Invite Friends

This is going to be a blog for those who work in the jungle of a call center. If you want to contribute email your stories to Remember to use fake names of everyone and all businesses. Keep it funny keep it tasteful.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is there some thing I can do

I know that they first year of marriage is supposed to be hard but this is worse than most I think.
I thought Chris would be out of a funk because hr has a job and e will finally have a chance to catch up but I think I might be wrong.
It only lasted a little while. He is back to the while same funk because he can't do what he wants to do. He wants to have a chance to do things on his own and play games when hr wants. He says the only thing that is making him happy and he is not burnt out on is me. I an not doing anything but worry about him and stressing put if I am making happy and how so I make him feel better. I really don't know what to do.
I have never been able to do what I want because I had thatand I have come to terms with this and trying to help him see that even thought he doesn't think he has a lot he has a lot mute than he thinks.
He is doing such an awesome job and I try to make him feel it but nothing is working. I tell him that he is doing a good job but I fee eel like I am talking to a wall.